Where is the manual?
There is none yet. I am working on a dutch one and I consider translation once the dutch version is finished.
Starting KlavarScript version 2002-04 causes and Application error at address 0x6c2bf9eb.
This can be solved by doing once: Press and hold Shift. Start KlavarScript. Loose Shift key. The old settings are now overwritten by the settings of the new version
Notes are shift a little bit to the left
This is caused by the fact that the old KlavarSymbols font is still available. Reboot windows, but do not start KlavarScript. Go to Start->Settings->Control Panel->Fonts and remove KlavarSymbols. Now start KlavarScript. This has also to be done only once.
All Windows fonts have disappeared
This is actually not a problem with the new version, but the result of deinstalling the old version. Resolution: Open the Font folder (see previous point) and choose File->Install new font... Now select the Windows font folders, which normally is c:\windows\fonts (win95,98 or ME) or c:\winnt\fonts (windows NT,2000 or XP), and pres OK when the list of font is shown. Now reboot Windows and install the new version of KlavarScript.
I scanned music but the results are very disappointing. How comes?
It appears that music recognition software like "SmartScore" and "SharpEye" only have a 90% success rate. Small glitches in the printed music (like spots, broken note heads etc) will result in errors in the MIDI file. These errors can become very 'severe' when, for example, a stem or a sharp-sign isn't recognized. Unfortunately, KlavarScript can't solve such problems. KlavarScript gives a literal display of the contents of the MIDI file. Errors in the MIDI files will result in errors in the klavar representation.
I get "Application Error" when running KlavarScript. What's that?
OOPS! These errors mainly indicate a problem with KlavarScript. Before posting KlavarScript to the internet, I check the program on two other computers. Unfortunately, some errors might pass unseen by me. In that case, Windows issues a message and KlavarScript is stopped. When such an "application error" appears, I'd like to receive an e-mail message which contains a description of the problem and when it occurs. Please try to be as specific as possible.
It is very important to save regularly. The key "Control-S" does so very quickly and this can prevent loss of a lot of work. Maybe an upcoming version of KlavarScript will save the working file automatically. For now, you have to do this manually.
How can I convert music on a CD to klavar?
Try the program "WIDI" or "Amazing MIDI". Don't expect it to convert complex music recording in .WAV or .MP3 format into directly playable MIDI files, but can create some usable results, especially when the input is clean. It can also create some strange collection of notes which in no way can be related to the original .WAV or .MP3 file.
I downloaded a MIDI files from the internet. Many stop- and dot-signs appears. It's a mess! What is wrong?
KlavarScript shows a one-to-one representation of the contents of the MIDI file. That means that, if the recorded data in the MIDI wasn't played exactly at the beats, continuation-dots will be shown by KlavarScript. Likewise, if the music is played 'staccato', KlavarScript will show stop signs. The same will show up when music is recorded from a MIDI keyboard or from an organ with MIDI output.
Resolution to this problem is to quantize the music. You can do so by selecting "Edit > Quantize and trim..." in the menus. The "trim" function will allow you to automatically delete stop signs resulted by staccato playing.
Will there be an Apple OSX version of KlavarScript?
Sorry, No. I'd don't own a Mac and I don't have any programming experience with these systems.
I'd like to support the klavar music notation. Can I make a donation?
Sure you can! You can either do an (international) bank transfer to account nr NL 56 INGB 0006035613, BIC INGBNL2A, MNJ van der Kolk Zoetermeer, Holland or use paypal via the donate button here below:
I still have questions!
Send an email to the author of KlavarScript.
Enjoy using KlavarScript.